Franklin Town Board – June 3, 2014

The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin.

Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – June 2014

The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was held at the Treadwell Fire Station and was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Don Smith, David Grant, Lisa Huyck arriving at 8:00 p.m., Supervisor Jeff Taggart, Highway Superintendent Mark Laing and Paul Warner. Also present were Jim Lynch, William Degenhardt, Elwood Weerheim, Dwight Bruno, Patricia Tyrell, William Young, Brian Brock, Ken Walter, Ellen Sokolow, Mike Wallace, Jamie Archibald, Cheryl Petersen and reporter Caitlyn Ogden. Absent was Garret Sitts.

The minutes from the May 6, 2014 meeting were read. A correction was made to the amount of the bill from Cornell Cooperative Extension. The correct amount is $618.95. With that correction Don Smith made a motion to accept the minutes. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Ken Walter reported for the Kellogg-Franklin Trust Board. A proposal from Webster Asphalt of $2,200.00 to repair the courts was submitted. David Grant made a motion to accept the proposal to repair the courts. Don Smith seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Cedarwood Engineering Services PLLC estimated the cost for the project of repairing the foot bridge in Treadwell to be $15,000.00. The Methodist Church and the Kellogg-Franklin Trust funds will be responsible for paying for the repairs. The cost, not to exceed $3,500.00, for services provided by Cedarwood Engineering Services PLLC will be paid by the Kellogg—Franklin Trust funds. This project will be put out for bid.

A discussion was had regarding who is allowed to sign checks for the Kellogg- Franklin Trust. This will be reviewed again by the Trust Committee.

The Treadwell Water District annual meeting will be held on June 30th at 7:30 p.m.

Dwight Bruno inquired about having a local right to farm law. The Town does have a local law regarding this matter.

Brian Brock informed the Board that Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company is planning to expand its natural gas transmission system in our area. This would be a second proposed line for our area as the Constitution Pipeline Company is looking to build as well. Mark Laing indicated that a road use agreement is being reviewed that was proposed by the Constitution Pipeline Company.

Mike Wallace reminded the Board that he is willing to have cell towers as well as emergency towers placed on his land.

Jeff Taggart reported no news for the Planning Board.

Jeff Taggart announced that the New York State Department of Transportation will be holding a public meeting on June 25th from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Town Highway Garage to discuss improvements to the intersection of NYS Routes 28 and 357.

Mark Laing opened the bids for the crushing of gravel. Carver Sand & Gravel LLC bid $3.45/cubic yard for 5,000 and 10,000 cubic yards. Clark Companies bid $4.84/cubic yard for 5,000 cubic yards. Don Smith made a motion to accept Carver Sand & Gravel LLC bid of $3.45/cubic yard for the 5,000 cubic yards and if the product is acceptable they can continue to crush an additional amount. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Permits are being obtained to do the work in the area of East Handsome Brook Road and Durkee Road.

On May 16th there was a rain storm which damaged Ed Klug Road. The repair work might qualify for a FEMA project.

Jeff Taggart made a motion to go into executive session regarding contracts at 9:00 p.m. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed. Lisa Huyck made a motion to go out of executive session at 9:20 p.m. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Vouchers were submitted for audit and payment.

With no further business to come before the Board, Lisa Huyck moved for adjournment at 9:20 p.m. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed.

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