Franklin Town Board – September 2, 2014

The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin.

Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – September 2014

The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was held at the Treadwell Fire Station and was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Don Smith, David Grant, Lisa Huyck, Garret Sitts, Supervisor Jeff Taggart, Deputy Highway Superintendent Jamie Archibald and Paul Warner. Also present were Ken Walter, William Young, Brian Brock, William Degenhardt, Mike Wallace, Don Hebbard, Dwight Bruno, Neishia Mitchell, Cheryl Petersen and reporter Bob Cairns. Absent was Highway Superintendent Mark Laing.

The minutes from the August 5, 2014 meeting were read. Don Smith made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.

Ken Walter reported for the Kellogg-Franklin Trust Board. Norma Walter resigned from the Board and as Secretary/Treasurer. Lisa Huyck has been appointed as a Board member. Debbie Tuthill has been appointed Secretary and Joanna Jones has been appointed Treasurer.

The replacement foot bridge which will be delivered by early October, will cost $7,200.00 which includes delivery and installation. The old bridge has been removed and will be advertised to be sold by submitting written sealed bids. Tweedie Construction provided an estimate of $4,800.00 to $5,200.00 to repair the stream bank.

Neishia Mitchell, from the Treadwell Community Improvement Club, informed the Board about plans for a 5K run or walk to be held in Treadwell on November 1st. Garret Sitts made a motion to approve of the plan as long as all necessary arrangements are in place. Lisa Huyck seconded the motion and all agreed.

Jamie Archibald reported for the Highway Department. The chip sealing is done. A excavator, to be rented, will be used to remove stumps and replace pipes.

Mike Wallace inquired about placing additional road signs on Case Hill. Additional signs have been installed but he would like more.

A discussion was had about the proposed construction at the intersection of NYS Route 28 and Route 357. NYS DOT has indicated that they would prefer to construct a roundabout at that intersection. The alternative proposed construction was a T intersection. Garret Sitts made a motion to oppose any reconstruction at that intersection and does support an increase in the signage and the possible installation of any warning lights or devices at the intersection. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.

Vouchers were submitted for audit and payment.

With no further business to come before the Board, Garret Sitts moved for adjournment at 8:30 p.m. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.

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