Franklin Local Minutes – May 2014

Franklin Local Meeting • May 15, 2014 • Barlow’s General Store, Treadwell

Present:  Brian Brock, Vicki Davis, Carol Marner, Gene Marner, Marjorie Kellogg, Tony Breuer, Jane Carr, Trish Tyrell, Ellen Curtis.  Quorum established.

Secretary Report: 

Meeting minutes of April meeting were distributed and reviewed.  Correction:  Add Trish Tyrell as present during the meeting, under “NFR” change to ‘Helen may provide eagle update’ (not Ellen), and remove “along the curb” in Farmers’ Market.  Brian reported mail received as checks for subscriptions/renewals of NFR and a response to question about paid subscribed within mailing area.

Town Board:

Brian reported that Leatherstocking LLC did provide a briefing on the pipeline projects.  Brian reported that the pipeline route has changed somewhat.  There was more information provided on the eminent domain issues regarding the Delaware County Emergency Communication System.  Agreements were reached with unionized labor within the Town.

Chamber of Commerce:

Brian reported that he is working on a membership drive, and has identified 75 potential members.  Jane Carr reported that Barlow’s owners will join the Chamber.  Brian stated that website work continues.  A press release was made and reported in the Walton Reporter of Person and Business of Year Awards.  Brian stated that he is looking for grants for publications that the Chamber can distribute marketing Franklin. It was noted that the Franklin Walking Trail pamphlet has been very successful.  Trish will send Helen the Google grant information.  Gene moved to allow the Greater Franklin Chamber of Commerce to use the Franklin Local Server, at no additional cost to the Franklin Local, to allow for ease of creation, maintenance and use of community calendar.  Marjorie 2nd, unanimously approved.  Motion carried.


Brian reported that we are now Tax Exempt through NYS, ID # 258659.  Brian provided copies of incorporation paperwork, bylaws, IRS 501(c)3 certification and NYS tax exempt paperwork to Franklin Local officers.  Brian reported that DBA paperwork has been mailed.


Marjorie reported that the copy deadline is June 10th, with distribution ready on or around July 2nd.  Marjorie reported that Tom Briggs (Village Mayor) will be writing introductory column.  Brian provided several rough drafts for editorial review.  Trish confirmed she will write piece on edible forests.  Helen will report on “Maxine” the eagle.  Jim Mullen may write a profile on the new Librarian.  Tony will write a short piece on the recent film festival.  Marjorie reported that almost all the copies of the previous NFR edition have been distributed.  Ads from Green Earth and Good, Cheap Food have been purchased.

Farmers’ Market:

Ellen reported that they had the vendor’s meeting and dinner last week, and that it went well.  A few vendors have been lost.  John Campbell proposed to move the Farmers’ Market to the Train Museum.  Those present voice liking of the visibility of the current location.  A formal contract between the Franklin Stage Company and the Farmers’ Market needs to be established.  Gene stated he will draft an agreement and bring it to the Franklin Stage Company board.  Brian did check out the train museum with John Campbell, which he reported had “superior” space, but not as pretty or visible location.

Tulip & Rose:

Brian reported the restaurant is expected to open in June.

Next Meeting:

Due to a conflict with current meeting dates, the 2nd Tuesday of the month was selected.

June 9, 2014 at Tulip & Rose (location confirmation to be made by Brian)


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