Franklin Town Board – December 3, 2019

There is no video of the December 3rd meeting.

The regular meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 6:05 by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Jeff Taggart, Garret Sitts, David Grant, Donnie Smith, Dwight Bruno and Paul Warner. Also present were Dave Tuthill, Don Hebbard and Sara Andros.

The minutes were read from the November 6, 2019 meeting. David Grant made the motion to approve minutes as read. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Jeff reported that the planning board had nothing last month and that Dollar General pulled their application. The ZBA tabled another issue for a later date.

Dave Tuthill reported for Franklin Kellogg Trust that they have new exercise equipment that will be installed at some point. They also have movie nights and legos for the kids.

The 2020 meeting dates are as follows:

(Meetings are on Tuesdays unless otherwise specified; time is 7:30pm except during the winter months when meetings are 6:00pm.)
January 76:00pmFranklin
February 46:00pmFranklin
March 36:00pmTreadwell
April 77:30pmFranklin
May 57:30pmFranklin
June 27:30pmTreadwell
July 77:30pmFranklin
August 47:30pmFranklin
September 17:30pmTreadwell
October 67:30pmFranklin
November 4
December 16:00pmTreadwell

Garret Sitts made a motion to allow the Town to pay any necessary bills that have to be paid in January 2020 to be paid. David Grant seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Jeff said they are still going over plans for new offices.

Vouchers # 493 – 536 were presented for payment.

With nothing more to come before the board, Garret Sitts made a motion to adjourn at 6:35. David Grant seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Johns, Town Clerk

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