The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin.
Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – April 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Garret Sitts, David Grant, Don Smith, Lisa Huyck, Supervisor Jeff Taggart, Highway Superintendent Mark Laing and Paul Warner. Also attending were William Young, Mike Wallace, Elena Ferrante, Richard Grant, Brian Brock, Jamie Archibald, Donald Hebbard, Elwood Weerheim, Dwight Bruno and reporter Lillian Browne.
The minutes from the March 4, 2014 meeting were read. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the minutes. Don Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.
Supervisor Jeff Taggart read a letter of resignation from Arthur Swenson, Town Councilman, effective March 31, 2014. Jeff appointed Lisa Huyck to complete the remainder of the year.
Mark Laing opened the bids for the trucking of crushed limestone and the purchasing of diesel fuel, heating oil, pipe and liquid calcium chloride. Three companies submitted bids for the trucking of stone. Carver Sand & Gravel LLC bid $8.65/ton to deliver stone products. Cobleskill Stone Products bid $8.50/ton to deliver stone products and Todd Trucking bid $8.60/ton to deliver stone products. After combining the price of stone with the trucking charges, Carver Sand & Gravel LLC total cost for stone 1a was $18.15/ton, 1b was $16.15/ton, 1st was $16.15/ton and 1&2 mix was $16.40/ton. Cobleskill Stone Products total cost for stone 1a was $18.50/ton, 1b was $16.50/ton, 1st was $16.50/ton and 1&2 mix was $16.50/ton. Todd Trucking total cost for stone 1a was $18.60/ton, 1b was $16.60, 1st was $16.60/ton and 1&2 mix was $16.60/ton. Don Smith made a motion to award the bid to Carver Sand & Gravel LLC. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Mirabito Energy Products submitted the only bid for fuel oil and heating oil. They bid a fluctuating price of rack plus $.2743/ gallon for heating oil, rack plus $.2243/ gallon for low sulfur diesel and rack plus $.2566/ gallon for winter blend diesel. They also bid firm prices of $3.4833/gallon for heating oil, $3.3963/gallon for low sulfur diesel and $3.6563/ gallon for winter blend diesel. Don Smith made a motion to accept the firm bids of $3.4833/gallon for heating oil, $3.6563/gallon for low sulfur diesel and $3.6563/gallon for winter blend diesel. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.
Bids were received from Chemung Supply and Jess F. Howes Building Supply for various sizes of banded pipe.
Chemung Supply Jess F. Howes Building Supply
12″ diameter $ 4.84/ft. 12″ diameter $ 5.55/ft.
l5″ diameter $ 6.24/ft. 15″ diameter $ 7.19/ft.
18″ diameter $ 9.28/ft. 18″ diameter $ 9.l3/ft.
24″ diameter $14.29/ft. 24″ diameter $15.94/ft.
30″ diameter $22.24/ft. 30″ diameter $22.84/ft.
36″ diameter $28.24/ft. 36″ diameter $29.32/ft.
42″ diameter $39.20/ft. 42″ diameter $41.75/ft.
48″ diameter $48.24/ft. 48″diameter $52.15/ft.
60″ diameter $ ——— 60″ diameter $95.60/ft.
Don Smith made a motion to award the bid to Chemung Supply with emergency purchases from Jess F. Howes Building Supply. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Three bids were received for liquid calcium chloride. Suite-Kote bid $1.25/ gallon. Peckham Materials Corporation bid $.808/ gallon. Gorman bid $835/gallon. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the bid of $.808/gallon from Peckham Materials Corporation, delivered and applied for liquid calcium chloride. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.
Mike Wallace asked for an update on the prospects of a cell tower covering Treadwell. Jeff indicated that he had not heard from Jeff Staley. Mike stated he would be willing to lease back his land to the Town to help acquire a cell tower to cover Treadwell and in return he would donate a portion of his income received from the tower to the Scouting program. Jeff Staley facilitates building cell towers on municipal property.
Brian Brock inquired about Mirabito’s presenting their program about the Leatherstocking Distribution Line to the Town Board. Jeff indicated that it was tentatively scheduled for the May 6th meeting. Brian also informed the Board about the 100′ radio transmission towers that will be built along the proposed Constitution Pipeline.
Elwood Weerheim expressed his concern regarding the foot bridge in Treadwell. The end of the bridge appears to need some repair.
No reports were given for the Recreation Committee ,Planning Board and the Treadwell Water District.
Mark Laing reported for the Highway Department. The new chipper Was delivered. He is expecting approximately $18,000.00 from the insurance company for the damaged chipper. The screener brought $9,500.00 at auction. If Mark can’t get $10,000.00 then he can accept the $9,500.00. Feduke Ford charged $3,655.69 to repair the Ford pickup truck. He would like to have the warranty work reimbursed by Ford as the truck has a design problem. David Grant made a motion to pay the bill and also request for reimbursement of the warranty work. Don Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.
The rented broom is here and is being used. Mark would like to rent an excavator towards the end of April. He would rent it from Abele Equipment for $3,700.00/month which includes the thumb, bucket and trucking. Garret Sitts made a motion to rent an excavator. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.
A discussion was had regarding a buy back program offered by Five Star Equipment for the John Deere loader. At this time the Board wanted more time to consider the program.
Don Smith indicated that Mark Jacobs, the Code Enforcement Officer, would need a new computer.
Jeff Taggart made a motion to go into executive session regarding contract negotiations at 9:15 p.m. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed. Don Smith made a motion to go out of executive session at 10:15 p.m. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Vouchers were submitted for audit and payment.
With no further business to come before the Board, David Grant moved for adjournment at 10:15 p.m. Don Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.