A video recording of this meeting is below.
The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Garret Sitts, David Grant, Donnie Smith, Dwight Bruno, Paul Warner and Highway Superintendant Mark Laing. Also present were Debra Renwick, Roger Reed, Pete Nero, Jamie Archibald, David Tuthill, Brian Brock, Don Hebbard, Tony Breuer, Bill Young and Robert Eggler.
Dave Tuthill gave an update on the Kellogg Educational Community Center. They have acquired three grants from the Delaware Academy Kellogg Memorial Fund. They have also completed the fund raising of $500.00 for the matching grant from the O’Conner Foundation. The new space for the community center is starting to get organized. They are talking with Veltans Landscaping about the updating of the little league field. Their meetings are the last Wednesday of the month at the Treadwell Firehouse from April to October.
Debra Renwick from Wayne Bank spoke to make the Board and community aware of the services they offer.
Mark Laing opened the bids for trucking stone, crushing stone, calcium chloride, heating oil and diesel fuel. Two companies submitted bids for trucking stone. Carver Stone $8.50 per ton. Cobleskill Stone $7.90 per ton. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the bid from Cobleskill Stone. David Grant seconded and all agreed.
There were two companies to bid for the liquid calcium chloride. Peckham bid $.823per gallon. The bid from Suit-Kote is $1.05per gallon. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the bid from Peckham. David Grant seconded and all agreed.
There were four bids for crushing stone with a dozer provided. Clark’s is for $5.60 per cubic yard, LaFever’s is for $5.00 per cubic yard, Pope’s Excavating is for $4.00 per cubic yard and Seward Sand & Gravel is for $6.00 per cubic yard. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the bid from Pope’s Excavating. Donnie Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.
Mirabito Fuel Group was the only bid for heating oil and diesel fuel. The fluctuating prices are as follows: heating oil is rack price plus $.3000/ gallon, diesel fuel is rack plus $.2435/gallon and 60/40 winter fuel is rack plus $.2735. The firm prices are as follows: heating oil $2.2645/gallon, diesel fuel $2.0983/gallon and 60/40 winter blend $2.5583/gallon. The pre-pay price for heating fuel is $2.1645/gallon, diesel fuel $1.9983/gallon and 60/40 winter blend is $2.4583/gallon. Dwight Bruno made a motion to pre-pay for half of the diesel fuel, if they are willing to do this, otherwise, go with the firm price for all of the fuel needs. Donnie Smith seconded and all agreed.
Mark gathered information on the last snow storm, March 14 & 15. The estimated cost with overtime is $25,805.00. The rentals are here and being used. The Town will need to rent an excavator for the month of May at a cost of $3,500.00. David Grant made a motion to rent the excavator for one month. Dwight Bruno seconded and all agreed.
Delhi Telephone is putting on Broadband service in the area and they are looking for a location for a 12×24 building. They are wondering if the Town would be willing to provide space for the building next to the Town Shed. The Board is curious how much they would be willing to pay or what services they would provide.
Mark will put out an open bid for a new pick-up truck.
Bob Eggler would like to see the free Wi-Fi removed from the library. The Town can examine their funding for next year.
Brian Brock would like to know when the financial report will be ready.
Donnie Smith requested that the Board would like to have an annual report from Franklin Local.
With nothing further to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.