A video recording of this meeting is below.
The Public Hearing regarding the Delhi Telephone Company franchise agreement was called to order at 7:30 pm by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Jeff Taggart, Donnie Smith, Dwight Bruno Mark Laing and Paul Warner. Garret Sitts and David Grant arrived at 7:35 pm. Also present were Roger Reed, Mike Wallace, Jason Woodyshek, William Trelease, Ken Prestidge, Robin Costabile, Bill Young, Tony Breuer, Patricia Tyrell, Carl Lobdell and Pete Nero.
The public hearing regarding the franchise agreement between Delhi Telephone Company and the Town of Franklin was discussed. The area mainly covered by this agreement will be south of State Highway 357. This is the area covered by the grant that DTC is receiving. There was also discussion about the conveyance of easement at the Town Shed site. The Town is requesting that the area they need be moved so that it as far back as it can go.
The public meeting was closed at 7:40 P.M.
The minutes were read from the June 6, 2017 meeting. Donnie Smith made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Dwight Bruno seconded the motion and all agreed.
A motion to sign the conveyance of easement contingent on a new survey by DTC to move their area was made by Donnie Smith. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
The Kellogg Franklin Trust was given by Dwight Bruno. There is $27,371.24 in the checking account, $961,126.01 in the money market accounts. The current rent for the space at American Ginseng Pharma is $2137.50 per month. They would like to work on the tennis courts.
A resolution was made by Garret Sitts to pay all the capitalization fee for NYMIR now, instead of over the course of five years. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.
Mark reported that the gravel work will be starting on Monday, weather permitting. They are still a month behind schedule on road work. Mark kept the grader for one more week. The excavator will be used next week. There is a lot of work to do on Bookout Road due to the wind storm. It will take some time.
Jeff will meet with Don Hebbard and a Clean Energy Communities Program intern this week.
The agreement with Verizon has been signed.
Carl Lobdell would like to see Jim Basile removed from the Assessor’s office.
Mike Wallace is wondering if the Town has considered that the proposed solar location might be beat left for a wastewater treatment plant.
Trish Tyrell talked to American Ginseng Pharma about how many employees they are hoping to put on, they are planning on 10 full-time employees.
With nothing further to come before the board Garret Sitts made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 P.M. Donnie Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.