The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin. A video recording of this meeting is below.
Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – June 2, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Don Smith, Garret Sitts, David Grant, Supervisor Jeff Taggart, Highway Superintendent Mark Laing and Paul Warner. Lisa Huyck arrived at 8:30 p.m. Also present were Vincent Speranza, Kaima Nelson-Bowne, Marie Cummings, Joan Dworkin, Edmond Rinnooy Kan, Luraline fischer, John Alessi, Louise Corsover, Jan Mulroy, Linda Bevilacqua, Pete Bevilacqua, Rose Cleaveland, Jeanne Keahon, Wendy Barckhaus, Salvatore Lupo, Rosie Gorton, Patty Leitenberger, Dorothy Lupo, Ramona Plance, Giles Holbron, James Lynch, Deb Tuthill, Dave Tuthill, Liz Serrao, Ken Walter, William Young, Wendy Swears, Randy Cowles, Erin Cowles, Donald Hebbard, Gene Hebbard, Jane Hebbard, Jason Starr, Dwight Bruno, Betsy Babcock, Mike Zurn, Elwood Weerheim, Tom Collier, Jane Couch, Mike Wallace, Nancy Cloonan, John Cloonan, Wes Sitts, Shirley Ferguson, Brian Brock, Carmela Marner, Felix Bridel, Dawn Ritz, Anthony Breuer, Robert Cairns, and reporter Lillian Browne.
The minutes from the May 5, 2015 meeting were read. Don Smith made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.
Ken Walter reported for the Kellogg-Franklin Trust. Ken clarified that the athletic fields are insured at no additional cost to the Town by the policy the Town presently has with Gates-Cole Insurance Company. The rental space used by the Treadwell History Center is an additional insurance cost of $105.00 and will be reimbursed to the Town from the Kellogg-Franklin Trust. The playground inspection required by the insurance company will be done in late June or early July.
Christopher Maby from Delta Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors presented a program that would help protect the Town by mitigating road damage caused by unplanned, concentrated traffic. There are three phases to the program with an estimated cost for phase I & II of $9,000.00. Phase III, damage assessment, is billed separately and paid by the Town and to be reimbursed by the developer to the Town.
Proposed Local Law Governing the Sale, Application, and Disposal of Waste Associated with Oil and Natural Gas Exploration, Extraction and Storage Activities was reviewed. Two changes were made to the original proposed law. The word “potentially” was added to first sentence in Section 1 and in Section 3, #1, oil water was changed to oil waste. With those changes, Garret Sitts made a motion to adopt the proposed local law. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.
The Standard Working Day Resolution was reviewed. Don Smith made a motion to accept the resolution as presented. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Jan Mulroy presented a petition regarding enacting a road use ordinance, an industrial noise ordinance, enacting a resolution of unconditional opposition to a compressor station being located in the Town of Franklin, maintaining and enforcing existing rural zoning laws and also enforcing existing agriculture district laws.
Felix Bridel presented a petition in favor of the Town Board passing a resolution of unconditional opposition to the construction of a compressor station within the Town of Franklin.
Concerns were expressed regarding possible changes in the water supply, water contamination and air contamination due to pipe line construction and compressor station operations.
Mark Laing opened the bids for a 2015 or newer 14′ all purpose stainless steel dump box. M & C Truck Equipment from Vestal bid $45,105.00 for an Air-Flo box. Tracey Equipment from Syracuse bid $45,691.00 for an Air-Flo box. Henderson Truck Equipment bid $40,175.00. Mark indicated that he previously had problems with Henderson Truck Equipment making timely delivery. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the bid of $45,105.00 from M & C Truck Equipment. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.
Jeff Taggart reported for the Planning Board. Three boundary line adjustments were approved. A wedding venue was approved for Randall Leavitt on Post Road. A medical building was approved for Greg and Maria Kujawski on County Route 21.
Mark Laing reported for the Highway Department. The motor from the truck purchased from the County sold for $4,145.00 at auction. The rented grader is here and the excavator that they were hoping to rent on a trial basis to see if it was something they might want to purchase did not come to Franklin. The mining permit is at the DEC.
Vouchers were submitted for audit and payment.
With no further business to come before the Board, Garret Sitts moved for adjournment. Don Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.