Franklin Town Board – November 12, 2013

The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin.

Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – November 12, 2013

The public hearing for the Town budget opened at 7:30 p.m. Present were Jeff Taggart, Susan Fairbairn, Garret Sitts, Supervisor Don Smith, Highway Superintendent Mark Laing and Paul Warner. Also present were Jamie Archibald, Patricia Tyrell, Don Hebbard, William Young, Brian Brock, Dwight Bruno, Ken Walter, Joanna Jones, Douglas Mitchell and reporter Lillian Browne. Absent was Arthur Swenson.

Paul Warner informed the Board of the final budget figure for the fire district, $199,485.63, a 2.4% increase. This put the total figure for the entire budget at $1,287,077.63, a 1.45% increase. Supervisor Don Smith closed the budget hearing at 7:35 p.m.

The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Don Smith.

The minutes from the October 1, 2013 meeting were read. Jeff Taggart made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Ken Walter reported for the Kellogg-Franklin Trust. Jim Carey, Arthur Swenson, Dave Tuthill, Norma Walter and Ken are authorized to sign checks for the Trust.

Joanna Jones presented the Recreation Commission budget for the 2014 year and reviewed the activities for the recreation department for the year.

A discussion was had regarding the bill from Lafever Excavating for replacing the pipe in the brook for the Treadwell Water District. The bill was in the amount of $18,836.55 and it was estimated that the Water District was short approximately $8,000.00 to be able to pay the bill. The shortage is expected to be made up. Jeff Taggart made a resolution to transfer $8,0000.00 from the bridge savings account to the Treadwell Water District. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed. Susan Fairbairn made a motion to pay the bill from Lafever Excavating in the amount of $18,836.55. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.

In regards to the proposed budget, Paul suggested changing the unexpended balance for General B to $2,000.00 and the unexpended balance for Treadwell Water to $0.00. With the fire district amount changed to $199,485.63 and the two changes made to the unexpended balance, Jeff Taggart made a motion to accept the budget with a total amount raised by taxes of $1,294,077.63. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.

A letter of resignation from Linda Parrow, the Town Historian, was read. Supervisor Don Smith indicated that Lora Foster-Cave would like to be appointed as historian. Jeff Taggart made a motion to appoint Lora Foster- Cave to the position of Town Historian. Susan Fairbairn seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Jeff Taggart reported for the Planning Board. Boundary line adjustments were approved for parcels owned by Charles Reynolds. Frank Multari applied for a special permit to display items for sale on property owned by Charles Reynolds. A boundary line adjustment from Douglas and Cheryl Peterson to Glen and Rosemary Whitaker was approved.

Susan Fairbairn reported for the Recreation Committee. Neicha Mitchell is the newest member to the Committee. The chicken and biscuit dinner was successful and the proceeds were shared with the fire Department.

Mark Laing reported for the Highway Department. He expects to receive $250,299.34 for CHIPS money in December. In regards to the items placed up for auction, the loader brought a bid of $20,900.00, the dump trailer, $8,500.00, the 2003 green pickup truck, $10,000.00 and the screener $4,550.00. Jeff Taggart made a motion to accept the bids for the loader, the dump trailer and the pickup truck. Susan Fairbairn seconded the motion and all present agreed. Susan Fairbairn made a motion to sell the screener if the Town could get $10,000.00 for it. Jeff Taggart seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Mark indicated that the Volvo single axle truck no longer will pass inspection and would like to purchase a replacement. The damaged chipper also needs to be replaced. Jeff Taggart made a motion to advertise for bids for a chipper and a dump truck. Susan Fairbairn seconded the motion and all present agreed. A special meeting will be held on November 26, 2013 at 7:30 p.m. to open and award the bids.

A brief discussion was had regarding the number of vehicles the Town owns. Jeff Taggart made a motion to sell the Brockway in the spring. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Jeff Taggart made a motion to transfer $18,000.00 from the Snow Removal CE account to the Machinery CE account. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Mark Laing indicated that he was not interested in the used tractor With a broom.

Don Smith made a motion to go into executive session regarding contract negotiations at 9:00 p.m. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed. Jeff Taggart made a motion to go out of executive session at 10:10 p.m. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Vouchers Were submitted for audit and payment.

With no further business to come before the Board, Garret Sitts moved for adjournment at 10:10 p.m. Jeff Taggart seconded the motion and all present agreed.

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