The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin.
Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – October 2014
The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Don Smith, Lisa Huyck, David Grant, Garret Sitts, Supervisor Jeff Taggart, Highway Superintendent Mark Laing and Paul Warner. Also present were Don Hebbard, David Brownell, Ken Walter, Joanna Jones, Brian Brock, William Young, Brian Babcock, Betsy Babcock, Jamie Archibald, Neishia Mitchell, Ralph Barlow and reporter Caitlyn Ogden.
The minutes from the September 2, 2014 meeting were read. Don Smith made a motion to approve the minutes as read. Lisa Huyck seconded the motion and all agreed.
Ken Walter reported for the Kellogg-Franklin Trust Board. The new foot bridge has been installed. The old bridge sold for $179.00. In regards to the stream bank repair, Ken will file the application with the NYS DEC and the Army Corp of Engineers. Tweedie Construction indicated they would do the repair work using cut stone at a cost of $4,800.00. Don Smith made a motion to accept the Tweedie Construction quote. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
A discussion was had regarding the blocking off of the A.L. Kellogg School emergency access road. Wayne Reynolds, Delaware County Public Work Commissioner, recommended that a locked gate at the upper end of the road be installed.
David Brownell informed the Board of the 5K Turkey Trot being planned for the end of November. Any money remaining after expenses are paid would be given to the school athletic program. Garret Sitts made a motion to allow the event as long as all necessary arrangements are in place. Lisa Huyck seconded the motion and all agreed.
Joanna Jones presented the Recreation Budget. Concern was expressed about the increasing cost of the life guards for the pool.
Paul Warner reviewed the preliminary budget for the 2015 year. A buildings CE account was established. There is an increase in the General A fund of $17,900.00, a decrease in General B fund of $1,080.00, an increase in the Highway DA fund of $2,945.00, a decrease in Highway DB fund of $55.00 and a decrease in Treadwell Water fund of $650.00. The budget for the fire department is still unknown. Don Smith made a motion to approve the preliminary budget. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed. The public hearing for the proposed budget is scheduled for November 7, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. The regular meeting will begin immediately following the public hearing.
The Standard Work Day and Reporting Information was reviewed. Garret Sitts made a motion to accept the information as presented. Don Smith seconded the motion and all agreed.
Lisa Huyck and Jeff Taggart will be auditing the town court financial records. Mark Laing reported for the Highway Department. A permit extension has been requested for the work at Jane Couch’s property. A new copier/fax machine is needed and quotes will be obtained. A computer program is needed to assist with equipment repairs. Quotes will be obtained.
Vouchers were submitted for audit and payment.
With no further business to come before the Board, Garret Sitts made a motion for adjournment at 8:45 p.m. David Grant seconded the motion and all agreed.