Franklin Town Board – March 5, 2019

A video recording of this meeting is below.

The regular meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Jeff Taggart at 6:12 P.M. Present were Jeff Taggart, Garret Sitts, David Grant, Donnie Smith, Dwight Bruno, Paul Warner and Jamie Archibald. Also present were Sara Andros, Amber Jordan, Hunter Wilcox, Roger Reed, Pete Nero, Brinton Muller, Christopher Kuntz, Michael Wallace and Tony Breuer.

The minutes were read from the February 5,2019 meeting. David Grant made the motion to accept minutes as read. Dwight Bruno seconded the motion. All present agreed.

The minutes were read from February 19, 2019 special meeting. Garret Sitts made the motion to accept minutes as read. David Grant seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Jamie Archibald represented Mark Laing. He said next month all bids will be in and opened. Two estimates were presented for a diagnostic computer for the shop. Donnie Smith made the motion to go with Diesel Laptops LLC as it was the best deal and is compatible with all of Town’s equipment. David Grant seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Garret Sitts made the motion to extend Resolution to bid on grader up to the agreed amount of $80,000.00 . David Grant seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Jeff will call the Town Attorney about the Kellogg Foundation attorney’s bill.

The planning board will have a public hearing on March 7, 2019 at 7:30 for used car sales at Brian Sickler’s and a dog kennel on St Hwy 357.

The new town offices were discussed.

Garret Sitts made the motion to approve the audit done on Town of Franklin books by Dwight Bruno and Donnie Smith. Dwight Bruno seconded the motion. All present agreed.

David Grant made the motion to adopt the Resolution in Support of Assessment Equity Through Periodic Reappraisal. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed. Amanda Groff gave an update on Recreation Commission.

Vouchers # 94-139 were submitted for payment.

With nothing further to come before the board Garret Sitts made the motion to adjourn at 6:49 P.M. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Respectfully submitted,

Sonja Johns
Town of Franklin
Town Clerk

Video Recording of meeting:

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