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Josh Fox Brings GASLAND 2, Myth-Busting Documentary on Fracking, to Walton
Fox and Local Groups Join to Engage Citizens in the Investigation of Fracking
Josh Fox, director of the 2011 Academy Award-nominated documentary Gasland, will attend a free screening of his upcoming film Gasland 2 on Sunday, June 9, at 1pm at the Walton Theatre, 31 Gardiner Place, Walton, NY 13856. Fox invites the public to “watch the film, listen to the folks who tell their stories and open your eyes. Question how oil and gas industries have influenced our elected officials and government agencies. Fossil fuels not only pollute the climate: their moneyed supporters can contaminate our democracy if we let them.”
Gasland 2 will be screened at the Walton Theatre where 3 years ago Gasland was first shown locally to a packed house. This event, which will again be hosted by Franklin Local, is one of many Gasland 2 screenings that Fox will attend prior to the nationwide July 8 premiere of Gasland 2 on HBO. Gasland 2 screenings are scheduled in New York, California, Colorado, Pennsylvania and other states affected by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
As in 2010, Josh Fox will be present to answer questions about the film and to counter the misinformation about fracking that is distributed by the oil and gas industry. “Gasland 2 features real people – ordinary Americans – whose lives have been upended by the dirty, dangerous and economically ruinous process of fracking.” Fox said. “That’s why I’m working with environmental leaders and advocates across the country to protect our health, water, climate and landscapes and to prevent state and federal governments from allowing a path to destruction. There is a need to educate ourselves and our elected leaders and ban this toxic practice and move vigorously toward renewable energy.”
Since the Walton screening of Gasland in 2010, the pro-environment movement in Delaware County has grown: two towns have instituted moratoria or bans of fracking and most towns have organized local groups to oppose fracking.
GASLAND PART II Teaser Trailer #1 from JFOX on Vimeo.
Franklin Local, founded in 2007, is a volunteer organization of residents of the Town of Franklin, NY, and the surrounding areas dedicated to rebuilding the local economy, restoring community solidarity and raising awareness of the economic and social problems that are likely to result from the degradation of our local environment and the steady progression of global climate change. Throughout Delaware County individual initiative has been behind the construction of passive solar houses, the development of alternative fuels and heating methods and a county-wide expansion in low energy methods of farming. Fracking would divert investment away from the growth of clean energy, and discourage exactly those innovations in local alternatives.
Regional co-sponsors of the Gasland 2 screening include Center for Sustainable Rural Communities, Citizens Energy & Economics Council of Delaware County (CEEC), Ommegang Brewery, DAG-Delaware Action Group, Concerned Citizens of Otego, Friends of Sustainable Sidney, Otsego 2000 – all community organizations committed to a healthful, prosperous future.
For more information about Gasland 2 and the dangers of fracking, please visit
For additional information about the screening, call 607-829-8451.