The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin.
Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – May 2013
The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Supervisor Don Smith. Present were Jeff Taggart, Susan Fairbairn, Arthur Swenson, Garret Sitts, Supervisor Don Smith, Highway Superintendent Mark Laing, and Paul Warner. Also present were Ralph Barlow, Jamie Archibald, Dwight Bruno, Brian Brock, William Young, Donald Hebbard, Ken Walter, John Campbell and Patricia Tyrell.
The minutes from the April 2, 2013 meeting were read. Arthur Swenson made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Ken Walter, representing the Town of Franklin Kellogg Project Committee reported on the petition regarding the transfer of funds and property to the Town. The petition was filed in the Otsego County Surrogate Court on April 25th and the decision is expected in 2 to 3 months.
Ken also informed the Board that discussions with Jackie Clark are ongoing regarding the History/Community Center that is presently located in the former Treadwell school building. Renting of a 900 square ft. space for $8,550.00/year including utilities except the phone and/or internet is being proposed. Ken recommends a 1 year lease with a 2 year renewal option. There also is a possibility of renting additional storage space at a lower rate. An inspection will be done as soon as arrangements can be made. If the inspection meets with committee approval, the Town Board would agree to a 1 year lease with a 2 year renewal with the Town Board option to break the lease.
In regards to the approximate $900,000.00 to be received from the Kellogg funds, Ken recommends that the Town keep those funds in a separate account from other Town funds. He also suggested the Town accept bids for the mowing of the fields at the former school property.
If the Town Board does not want to manage the Kellogg properties, then a Board would be established to do so. The newly established Board would be answerable to the Town Board. Ken would like someone from the Recreation Committee to participate on the Board.
Ralph Barlow, from Treadwell, would like the Treadwell Community to have input regarding the decision as to whether a building would be constructed to house the History/Community Center.
John Campbell, the village mayor, asked the Board to consider allowing the street grindings from the water project to be stored by the Town sand bank. The company doing the water project would transport the grindings to the sand bank. A portion of the grindings will be used to pave the parking lot for the swimming pool and the driveway that leads to the area behind the village hall on Water Street. In return the Town would keep half of the street grindings. Jeff Taggart made a motion to pave the driveway that leads to the area behind the village hall and the parking lot for the swimming pool, with the schools approval. In exchange the Town would keep 1/2 of the street grindings . Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Brian Brock stated that a website called has information regarding our Town government.
Dwight Bruno and Patricia Tyrell expressed their concerns regarding the possibility of the Mental Health Clinic being relocated to the former Treadwell Elementary School. Some concerns expressed were the possible impact on the Treadwell Emergency Squad, the lack of hospital services being located in Treadwell, and the lack of a police force in Treadwell. Not having received any information regarding the benefits and costs to the clients, the Community, and Delaware County the Board could not respond to the expressed concerns. Jeff Taggart made a motion to have the Franklin Town Board meet with the Community Services Board to discuss the possible relocation of the mental health clinic to Treadwell so as to be able to address the concerns expressed by our taxpayers. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Supervisor Don Smith appointed William Young, Jr. to the Board of Assessment Review.
A letter from Delaware Opportunities was read regarding the Senior Dining Program. Delaware Opportunities is requesting the Town support the Senior Dining Program by allocating $500.00 in the 2014 Town budget to that Program.
The ballot for the election of Executive Committee members to a two year term for Delaware County to the Coalition of Watershed Towns was presented. Jeff Taggart made a motion to vote for Peter Bracci, Bruce Dolph, and Bill Layton for the regular members and Bill Layton, Cindy Donofrio, and Michael Spaccaforno for the alternates. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
A letter from Julia VanSteenburg, the Dog Control Officer, was read. The Board indicted that vouchers for payment should be received no less than quarterly as payment to Julia would be more timely. A discussion was had regarding rabies cases for dogs and it was determined that when there is a rabies case it should be referred to Public Health for them to handle.
Arthur Swenson reported for the Treadwell Water District. Spectrum Analytical will no longer pick up the monthly water samples therefore someone from Treadwell will have to take the samples to the Delhi water treatment plant. The annual meeting will be held in June.
Jeff Taggart reported for the Planning Board. A special use permit will have to be obtained if the mental health clinic is located in the former Treadwell Elementary School. It was determined that there was not enough road frontage for a parcel on Fleming Road, therefore if they want to proceed with their plans they will need to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Susan Fairbairn reported for the Recreation Committee. A water safety instructor has not been hired yet. A hole where the old bathhouse was located needs to be filled in and they would like to have the Town use their backhoe to do the job. Mark Laing will talk with the village regarding this.
Two residents of Franklin will be providing 100 hours each of community service by doing maintenance around the pool. They will not be allowed at the pool when it is in use and they will be supervised.
Mark Laing reported for the Highway Department. Trimbell Electric has completed the projects agreed to be done. Mark will furnish pictures of the loader and pickup to Auctions International to proceed with selling of that equipment. They charge a buyers fee only. The Kawasaki loader transmission is in Binghamton being repaired. The estimated repair cost is $29,553.00 and there is a 1 year warranty.
Paul Warner indicated there was a need to increase the general repairs contractual expenditure by $60,000.00 due to the increase in the CHIPS funds to be received. Garret Sitts made a motion to increase general repairs contractual expenditure by $60,000.00. Jeff Taggart seconded the motion and all agreed.
The Standard Work Day and Reporting Information was reviewed. Jeff Taggart made a motion to accept the information as presented. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.
Supervisor Don Smith announced he would not be running for office for the upcoming term.
Vouchers were submitted for audit and payment.
With no further business to come before the Board, Susan Fairbairn made a motion for adjournment at 9:20 p.m. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all agreed.