The text version of the minutes in this post was created with optical character recognition (OCR) software. While every attempt has been made to verify the text, accuracy is not guaranteed. Please refer to the PDF version of the minutes in the link below to see an exact version as received from the Town of Franklin. A video recording of this meeting is below.
Download PDF copy of Franklin NY Town Board Minutes – November 6, 2015
The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Garret Sitts, David Grant, Lisa Huyck, Highway Superintendant Mark Laing, Paul Warner and Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Also present were Jamie Archibald, Mel Ogden, Pete Nero, Roger Reed, Tim Robinson, Bill Degenhardt, Stuart Anderson, Bill Young, Brian Brock, Jessica Reed, Cheryl Petersen, Don Hebbard, DonaldlSmith, Dwight Bruno And Pete Bevilacqua.
After a brief public hearing on the proposed budget, Lisa Huyck made a motion to adopt the Budget as presented. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed. There were no changes to the proposed budget. The numbers were in for the Franklin Fire District which is a 7% increase over last year’s re district budget. The total increase for this year is .88%.
The minutes were read from the October 6th were read. The minutes were corrected to read 2006 Chevy 1-ton pick-up truck and Autocar parts. Lisa Huyck made the motion to accept the minutes with the changes. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed.
Lisa Huyck gave the report Kellogg Franklin Trust. The Board received the updated Policy& Standard Operating Procedure Manual for the Athletic Fields and Education/ Community Center.
There was nothing to report from the Rec. Committee.
Mark Laing will get the truck and parts listed on the internet. The town was able to keep the excavator until the week of November 9th, we had a couple of free weeks added onto the rental time. The Town has received it’s gravel mining permit. Mark met with Allan from Williams on November 5th. Mark thinks that we should know which roads will be used soon. Constitution will use the right of ways as much as possible. There will be a road inspection training session with Delta Engineering on November 19,2015 at 8:30 a.m.
Jeff Taggart, Garret Sitts and Mark Laing met with the attorney in October about the Road Use Agreement.
Stuart Andersen from Otego thanked the Franklin Highway Department for slowing down when they get to the 30mph zone in Otego. Jeff Taggart said that Mark Laing has done an excellent job with shared services with other towns.
With no further business to come before the Board, Garret Sitts made a motion to adjourn the meeting. David Grant seconded the motion and all present agreed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.