Franklin Town Board – February 19, 2019 – Special

A special meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Jeff Taggart at 6:12 P.M. Present were Jeff Taggart, David Grant, Garret Sitts and Dwight Bruno. Also present was Jamie Archibald.

A motion was made by Garret Sitts to appoint Penny Constable as Dog Control Officer. David Grant seconded the motion. All present agreed. There was a discussion of the new Town Offices. Jeff said there is a chance to buy the property on Main Street owned by Chris Downin. The plan would to be to renovate the existing house into offices and court room. Some of the board will meet to see the plan for the house and discuss further at next board meeting.

With nothing further to discuss, David Grant made the motion to adjourn at 6:45. Garret Sitts seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Johns