Franklin Town Board – February 5, 2019

A video recording of this meeting is below.

The regular meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Jeff Taggart at 6:05 P.M. Present were Jeff Taggart, David Grant, Donnie Smith, Dwight Bruno and Paul Warner. Also present were Don Hebbard, Michael Wallace, Sara Andros, Helen McLean, Bill Gruber, Thomas Collier, Pete Nero, Jamie Archibald and Epifanio Bevilacqua.

The Minutes were read from the January 8 , 2019 meeting. David Grant made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed.

The minutes were read from the January 29, 2019 special meeting. Dwight Bruno made the motion to accept the minutes as read. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Dwight Bruno and Jeff Taggart will audit the court records hopefully by March 1, 2019.

There was no planning board business in January.

A resolution was presented to ask that the AIM funding be restored. The program affects upstate New York. It would be a loss of state aid and also CHIPS money if not restored. David Grant made the motion to adopt the Resolution to restore AIM funding in NYS. Dwight Bruno seconded
the motion. All present agreed.

The Home Rule Resolution was tabled until next month.

We are still trying to hire a dog control officer. Board members will reach out to some possible candidates.

There was more discussion of the location of the new Town Office building.

Jeff read a letter from Michael Wallace. It was forwarded to the fire department as it was about installing a hydrant at his pond.

There are more graders up for auction in Florida. Dave Grant made the motion to bid on one with a $80,000.00 cap bid. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Vouchers # 50-93 were presented for payment.

With no further business Dave Grant made the motion to adjourn at 7:03 P.M. Donnie Smith seconded the motion. All present agreed.

Respectfully submitted,
Sonja Johns

Video Recording of meeting:

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