Franklin Town Board – July 2, 2019

A video recording of this meeting is below.

The regular meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Jeff Taggart at 7:30 pm. Present were Jeff Taggart, Garret Sitts, David Grant, Donnie Smith, Dwight Bruno and Mark Laing. Also present were Chris Downin, Roger Reed, Lynda Elderkin, Peter Nero, Brian Brock, Tom Briggs, Tony Breuer, Sara Andros, Amanda Groff, Dillon Groff, John Cloonan, Nancy Cloonan, John Fitzpatrick, Jack Siman, A Phillips, Elizabeth Phillips and Don Hebbard.

The minutes were read from the June 4,2019 meeting. Jeff and Mark pointed out that the town won’t be sending 2 trucks to auction as planned. They will be using parts from one of them. Dwight Bruno made the motion to approve the minutes as read. Donnie Smith seconded the motion.

Dwight reported for the Franklin Kellogg Foundation.

Jeff reported that at the June meeting of the Planning Board, they approved a simple subdivision of Merrill property on Douglas Hall Road. At the next meeting on July 11, the DalCanton subdivision will be discussed.

Mark reported that asphalt prices have gone down this year. They are scheduled to pave between Christian Hill and Gibson Hill the week of July 15th or 22nd. The $48,000.00 Ext Winter Recovery money is back in place.

Amanda Groff reported that the pool is open and thanked the Town for all of their help.

The Phillips would like to meet with the Town and Treadwell water district caretakers about the bridge and roadway.

There was a discussion with many questions and suggestions about the new Town offices.

Vouchers # 269-312 were presented for payment.

With nothing further to come before the board David Grant made the motion to adjourn at 8:37 pm. Garret Sitts seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted,

Sonja Johns
Town Clerk

Video Recording of meeting: