Franklin Town Board – July 5, 2016

A video recording of this meeting is below.

The regular monthly meeting of the Franklin Town Board was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Supervisor Jeff Taggart. Present were Garret Sitts, Donnie Smith, Mark Laing, Paul Warner and Jeff Taggart. Also present were Ken Walter, Brian Brock, Pete Nero, Roger Reed, Tony Breuer and R.A. Cairns. Absent were David Grant and Dwight Bruno.

Ken Walter gave the minutes and report for the Kellogg Franklin Trust. They have changed the guidelines for qualifying to run for a seat on the Trust. Ken will send an updated copy to the Town Clerk’s office.

Mark Laing reported that the grader will be going back and they will be getting the excavator again. The CHIPS monies are still moving forward, he anticipates the Town should be getting approximately $57,000.

Nothing new to report from the Recreation Commission.

Jeff called Cheryl Saco and he had her talk to Jim Basile about opting-out of the PILOT program. They decided that it is in the best interest of the Town to pass a law to opt-out of the program. A resolution for a Public Hearing at 7:00 P.M. on August 2, 2016 was made by Donnie Smith. Garret Sitts seconded the motion and all present agreed. The regular Board meeting will immediately follow the Public Hearing.

Jeff brought up the Methodist Society Cemetery. It needs to be mowed because there is no longer anyone able to care for it. Dawn will make some phone calls to try to find someone that would be able to mow it at this time.

Burt Barnes is resigning from the Assessment Review Board. Pete Nero said that he might be interested in the position.

The re-naming of State Highway 357 in honor of Nicholas Uzenski has passed the State House and Senate. We are waiting for the Governor to sign it into law.

The Treadwell Water meeting was held last week. They will have to get a 45,000 gallon holding tank. One of the wells in Treadwell has sulfur water. It takes more cleaning to get that water ready to drink. They will probably have to get another well drilled in the future. There are lead pipes under County Highway 14 that will need to be replaced. They will investigate getting grant money to off-set the cost.

Tony Breuer said that the Town is doing a great job on the roads.

The Town received a check for $56,175 from the Constitution Pipeline. The money will be put into an account to be used for pipeline related expenses.

Brian Brock was wondering if the Town should re-visit the current Code of Ethics.

With no other business to come before the Board, Garret Sitts made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20P.M. Donnie Smith seconded the motion and all present agreed.

Video Recording of meeting:

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