New Franklin Register

Articles from The New Franklin Register

Pipeline Fever

The Northeast Exchange Project (almost half again the size of the Millennium Pipeline) would run through Franklin itself and neighboring towns — if Route B is approved. The Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company wants to build this line between two of its existing west-to-east natural gas pipelines: the Tennessee Pipeline #300 in Pennsylvania south of the

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O or T?

Last year, the New York State Department of Transportation studied traffic running through the intersection of Routes 357 and 28 at the bottom of Franklin Mountain. In the last decade, there were 35 accidents (excluding collisions with deer) — ten times the accident rate at similar intersections. Contributing to these accidents is the limited visibility

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Regs or Rigs?

Reluctant Regulator The oil and gas industry in New York State is only barely regulated. The Division of Mineral Resources (DMN) of the Department of Environmental Conservation is using regulations written largely in 1972, shortly after it was created. The only new regulations since then were written in 1986, dealing with the unusually high gas

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